Industrial Consultancy Services: MOU with Penang Skill Development Center, Malaysia

Industrial consultancy service offering colleges in Kochi, Kerala

VidhyaBharathi Group of Institutions, Kochi

VidhyaBharathi Group of Institutions, kochi

VidhyaBharathi Group of Institutions was established in 2000, registered under the Travancore Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act 1955. Over the past few years, VidyaBharathi has emerged as a premier management development institution in India. Vidhyabharathi group of institutions offers different specialised courses such as Accounting, Finance, Logistics, Shipping & Air Cargo Logistics, Hotel Management, IATA Aviation/ Travel & Tourism, Airline and Airport Management, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Law and Commerce. Apart from this, they offer various skill development programs and job-oriented training conducted by a partnership with various government agencies.

Industrial Consultancy Services: MOU with Penang Skill Development Center, Malaysia(PSDC)

With such established goodwill, Vidya Bharathi now enters the industrial consultancy domain, with a professional tie-up with Penang Skill Development Center (PSDC), Malaysia. The PSDC will expand its role and gear towards becoming the Centre of Excellence for Industry 4.0 globally and hence has entered into the Indian market through an MOU with Vidya Bharathi. PSDC and Vidya Bharathi would jointly provide services and promote Industry 4.0 initiatives in India

PSDC, Malaysia

The PSDC (Penang Skills Development Centre) was established in 1989 and is the first tripartite, industry-led skills training and education centre in Malaysia. Since its inception, the PSDC has grown phenomenally to become the premier learning institution in the country, dedicated to meeting the business community's immediate human resource needs and supporting and strengthening business requirements. It has attained both national and international recognition as a truly successful example of shared learning and a model institution for human resource development to be emulated within and beyond Malaysia.

Over a period of 27 years, the Centre has trained over 200,000 participants through more than 10,000 courses; pioneered local industry development initiatives; assisted in the input and formulation of national policies about human capital development and contributed directly to the Malaysian workforce transformation initiatives. In line with its commitment to facilitate industry growth and development, the PSDC executed its Industry 4.0 initiative in 2016, a strategy that supports the new phase of the industrial revolution in Malaysia. Moving forward, the PSDC will expand its role and gear towards becoming the Centre of Excellence for Industry 4.0 in Penang and Malaysia by providing leadership, the right platform for learning of best practices, as well as talent development support through its high-end Shared Services facilities to meet the current needs and demands of the industry.


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